Saturday, April 7, 2007

Children of The Crumlin

I've been a resident of Belfast for two weeks and one day now. It's legit. I've gotten acquainted with Crumlin road and it's boisterous residents. Scratch that, it's bistros neighborhood children, namely a group of 3 girls; Jordan (9), Tori (7) and Jessica (3) and 4 or so boys; Luke (5), Joseph (7), Josh (5) and whatshisname (6). They are loud, covered in food and/or dirt, rambunctious and I love them. I divide my time with them between ruleless games of "basketball" and hiding from them because I'm too tired to play basketball. Favorite kid moment so far: Jessica Jumps so High. Jessica is three and doesn't really get the games and is somewhat incapable of participating on account of her wee size. Mid-Bball game I decide Jessica should be able to have some fun too (she was wandering around aimlessly, spacing out and getting bowled over). So I grabbed her arms and told her to jump, as she did I lifted her up and she went soaring into the air (I swear she weighs 20 pounds.) We did that for a while until I was tired and I set her down. OK, apparently Jessica has never played that game before because she was swaying from side to side and grinning like a drunk, arms still raised slurring, "again, again..." She literally looked like a tiny drunk person, wasted from FUN! It was too good.
Moving on to the Crumlin resident teens. Laura and I got picked up by a pack of sixteen year olds dressed in matching track suits. Boys wear track suits, girls wear neo-Madonna ensembles. It was the typical holler, "You guys wanna have a good time?" Chuckle amongst themselves, back slap, low five, the usual. We stopped of course and asked, "Really? 'Do we want to have a good time?'" Nothing better had come to mind apparently. We made them talk to us for a while and then called them out on their failed attempt and one kid, bless his heart, replied, "Oh, we were just being rude there." I love the honesty! It's all over the place too. From sixteen year olds to five year olds, ask a kid a question and you get a straight answer. There seems to be no fear of being reprimanded, contradicted or corrected. It's good and bad I know but is a breath of fresh air from the round about, elaborate stories kids come up with in Sea-Town. Aye-aye Belfast youth, aye-aye.

1 comment:

huysmantrophy said...

I don't like that girl. She's a bitch.